Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1-7-15 Class

Like Seeing a Long Lost Friend
I looked forward to Human Geo class each day I have school. Today, I was especially looking forward to it because I haven't seen Mr.Schick since before Winter break started. Mr.Schick just puts a smile on my face with his witty sense of humor and positive attitude. We took some notes today in class on the Korea's. We talked mainly about North Korea. North Korea is a very isolated country with an oppressive government. We took a couple notes, but the most interesting piece of information wasn't even a note. The most interesting piece of information was the nighttime pictures of North Korea vs surround countries such as South Korea and China. The only small bit of light was from Pyongyang, the capital.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

12-11-14 Class

Today we went over the test answers. I had a 76% mainly due to the fact that I kept confusing Islam and Hinduism. Mr.Schick got a little mad today because we wouldn't stop talking but we finally got it together. We went over the answers and he told us that since this was the hardest test for us, it is good that we took it recently so it's fresh in our minds.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

12-10-14 Class

Today in class, we took a test. This test was by far the most difficult test Mr.Schick has given us. I had trouble remembering which religion did which and so on. I got a 76% which isn't terrible but definitely not at all what I want to get. Our class once again got the highest average grade, which was a 75%. The other classes averages' were not even passing grades. Luckily, I got a class full of kids who want to learn and enjoy learning. The best thing about our class, though, is that we get good grades all while joking around. We joke around in class and participate and have some silly answers but at the end of the day, we learn which is all that matters.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12-9-14 Class

Final Religions
Today in class, we finished looking at the different religions. The religions we added today were Buddhism and Judaism. Something I found interesting was that Judaism has no certain founder. People believe it to be Abraham but no one is sure. We also took notes on Buddhism that were interesting. Buddhism has no single god to worship and nobody is sure how many followers Buddhism has. It ranges anywhere from 500 million to 1.5 billion with only 1.2 million in the U.S. I think I will be prepared for the test tomorrow.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12-4-14 Class

Shickie McCoy
Today, class was a little different in the beginning. Mr.Schick came in the room and took attendance while John did his usual crying about something. Mr.Schick took a while talking to John so I put in my ear-buds and listened to some Elton John because hes the bomb. When John finally returned to his seat, Mr.Schick whipped out a guitar. Amabel played some strings and then Mr.Schick told us we were reviewing for "Slumdog Millionaire". He turned on a remix of a Bruno Mars song featuring Travie McCoy. His daughter sang while Mr.Schick rapped. The rapping was hilarious and fantastic, while the singing was majestic. I asked Mr.Schick if his daughter was attractive and got a laugh. Then we took some notes.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

12-3-14 Class

Today in class, we took notes. Mr.Schick entered the room looking very spiffy. Something was wrong with Mr.Schick's computer so he called someone down to fix it. After fixing it, we looked at some notes the class took Tuesday. We took a couple of notes and got into a discussion about religion because it infuriated Mr.Schick. We talked for a good long while about wars due to religion and whatnot and then took a few more notes and class ended.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11-19-14 Class

Today in class, we had a substitute teacher. The strange thing about this was that the class before, I was sitting there, thinking "I feel like we have a substitute today even though we haven't had one for this class yet". When I was finally done with Algebra, I was walking down the steps to class when Adam told me "Room 220". Room 220 sounded familiar for some reason, but I didn't know why. I turned around and walked to Room 220 and I quickly discovered why it sounded familiar. It was my advisory room. Our substitute was the one, the only, Mr.Connolly. Mr.Connolly is the coolest advisor and so laid back. I was excited to see him, and sat in my normal comfy chair that spins. I had forgotten my headphones today, which doesn't happen often. It just so happens, today we had to do our Spotify assignment. I just lowered the music to the point of only me hearing it and chose a few songs. All of the songs were Pull Force songs from country artists like Toby Keith.