Thursday, December 11, 2014

12-11-14 Class

Today we went over the test answers. I had a 76% mainly due to the fact that I kept confusing Islam and Hinduism. Mr.Schick got a little mad today because we wouldn't stop talking but we finally got it together. We went over the answers and he told us that since this was the hardest test for us, it is good that we took it recently so it's fresh in our minds.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

12-10-14 Class

Today in class, we took a test. This test was by far the most difficult test Mr.Schick has given us. I had trouble remembering which religion did which and so on. I got a 76% which isn't terrible but definitely not at all what I want to get. Our class once again got the highest average grade, which was a 75%. The other classes averages' were not even passing grades. Luckily, I got a class full of kids who want to learn and enjoy learning. The best thing about our class, though, is that we get good grades all while joking around. We joke around in class and participate and have some silly answers but at the end of the day, we learn which is all that matters.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12-9-14 Class

Final Religions
Today in class, we finished looking at the different religions. The religions we added today were Buddhism and Judaism. Something I found interesting was that Judaism has no certain founder. People believe it to be Abraham but no one is sure. We also took notes on Buddhism that were interesting. Buddhism has no single god to worship and nobody is sure how many followers Buddhism has. It ranges anywhere from 500 million to 1.5 billion with only 1.2 million in the U.S. I think I will be prepared for the test tomorrow.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12-4-14 Class

Shickie McCoy
Today, class was a little different in the beginning. Mr.Schick came in the room and took attendance while John did his usual crying about something. Mr.Schick took a while talking to John so I put in my ear-buds and listened to some Elton John because hes the bomb. When John finally returned to his seat, Mr.Schick whipped out a guitar. Amabel played some strings and then Mr.Schick told us we were reviewing for "Slumdog Millionaire". He turned on a remix of a Bruno Mars song featuring Travie McCoy. His daughter sang while Mr.Schick rapped. The rapping was hilarious and fantastic, while the singing was majestic. I asked Mr.Schick if his daughter was attractive and got a laugh. Then we took some notes.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

12-3-14 Class

Today in class, we took notes. Mr.Schick entered the room looking very spiffy. Something was wrong with Mr.Schick's computer so he called someone down to fix it. After fixing it, we looked at some notes the class took Tuesday. We took a couple of notes and got into a discussion about religion because it infuriated Mr.Schick. We talked for a good long while about wars due to religion and whatnot and then took a few more notes and class ended.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11-19-14 Class

Today in class, we had a substitute teacher. The strange thing about this was that the class before, I was sitting there, thinking "I feel like we have a substitute today even though we haven't had one for this class yet". When I was finally done with Algebra, I was walking down the steps to class when Adam told me "Room 220". Room 220 sounded familiar for some reason, but I didn't know why. I turned around and walked to Room 220 and I quickly discovered why it sounded familiar. It was my advisory room. Our substitute was the one, the only, Mr.Connolly. Mr.Connolly is the coolest advisor and so laid back. I was excited to see him, and sat in my normal comfy chair that spins. I had forgotten my headphones today, which doesn't happen often. It just so happens, today we had to do our Spotify assignment. I just lowered the music to the point of only me hearing it and chose a few songs. All of the songs were Pull Force songs from country artists like Toby Keith.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

11-18-14 Class

Today in class, Mr.Schick made us a deal. The deal was that if we got what we needed to get done the first half of the class, he would put in grades for the second half. As usual we participated and copied notes and got our work done. Mr.Schick had us taking notes on Cultural Division. He had a map of the US up and each county was a different color. One color represented what the majority of the county called what us Marylanders call "soda". Mr.Schick told us how he is from Chicago and often catches himself saying pop and having to say soda so people from around Maryland will understand. He then put in grades and my grade went from a 71 to a 94!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11-13-14 Class

Today in class, we took a test. I didn't get to study a lot for it and thought for sure it was going to be a problem. Luckily, Mr.Schick pretty much verbally covered everything on the test. As soon as I got to class, I opened my computer and did a quick study before having my computer shut by Mr.Schick. He handed out the test and we began. I was relieved to see some questions we have previously answered on there and did them first. I then noticed I knew just about every single answer. Confident that I had done well on the multiple choice answers, I moved on to the essay. I wrote a short 5-6 Sentence essay on why it was wrong to assassinate the president. I think I did well and am confident I will get an 85 or above.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11-12-14 Class

Ya Done Goofed
Today in class, people who's slide made it in to the final presentation, had to make their slides public. Mr.Schick said he was so used to just doing it himself, he completely forgot to tell us. I made my slide public and we moved on. Mr.Schick then pointed out the 7 things John was doing wrong and we all laughed. We went over some neat slides, and Mr.Schick got really into assassination. He exclaimed that each year he has at least one kid who thinks its fine if the president got assassinated. Apparently, this kid was in another class and said "The only bad thing about Obama getting assassinated is the fact that the person who did it would go to jail". Mr.Schick said he went off on the kid and told us that he has had presidents he doesn't like but that doesn't mean he would wish for them to be assassinated.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11-11-14 Class

Final Presentations
Today in class, we had our final presentations. First up was Syria. I had to leave briefly to pick up my unexpected shadow and felt bad for a short amount of time thinking I had once again forgotten I had a shadow. When I got to my shadow, I found out he had just switched days. My shadows name was Brent and he came from Bel Air Middle School. I introduced him and Mr.Schick asked if he knew about Syria, to which he responded "A little". We then watched the Syria presentation, Israel, Mexico, and lastly, Brazil. I took a ton of notes and made sure I got what Mr.Schick said. Overall, the day was very productive.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Today in class, I witnessed my first presentation. I was absent yesterday due to a bad sinus infection that prevented me from being able to come to school. Yesterday, there was a presentation on France I believe. I had a friend send me the notes and took some today. First up, were Parker and John. This was a pretty funny presentation. We laughed at some grammatical errors and when John tried to pronounce "Joachim Gauck" everybody laughed. The next slide was Adam and Kendall. Kendall was in business mode and Adam was all laughs, a good balance of both. At one point, Kendall and Adam did this hilarious "Yes" and "No" at the same time, that sounded like it was straight out of a movie.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

11-4-14 Class

Finishing Touches
Today in class, Mr.Schick announced this was our last day of being able to work on the projects. Karson and I were already done, but I still went and sat near her and acted like I was doing work. I listened to some rad music, from the likes of Aerosmith, Bill Withers, and most importantly, Bruce Springsteen. I made some adjustments to the spelling on the slides and corrected some bad grammar. I began singing and Mr.Schick shut me down. I stopped singing, but we all knew he just stopped me because he was jealous of my amazing singing. Class was long today, so we kind of joked around a little and talked about really tall people. I learned a man named John F Carroll stood at 8 ft 8inches. Class eventually ended.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

10-30-14 Class

More Project
Thursday in class, Mr.Schick let us go over our president test. I got a 73%, the same as a shadow. This was due to stupid mistakes and not studying well. I was surprised to learn getting 4 answers wrong would drop your grade so low, but then again, the test was only 15 questions. Mr.Schick did the dings again with a new sound effect. The sound effect was a fart noise. I got a fart noise. We then went back in to our groups and did work. Karson and I are geniuses so of course we were done. We then chilled the rest of the class.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10-29-14 Class

More Project Work
Today in class, we did some more work on the assignment. Karson and I are mostly done so we had some time to joke around and get other stuff we needed to get done, done. I played some games and listened to music while Karson listened to Justin Bieber and somehow we got in to a conversation about Luke Ensor. I told her I thought Luke looked like James Franco and she agreed. Someone then put on Justin Bieber and I started singing because I totally sound just like him. Some people even think I am him. Mr.Schick then told me to turn off the music when it wasn't even me! Class then ended.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10-28-14 Class

Today in class, Mr.Schick told us about our new assignment. He assigned partners and gave us each a random number we picked from a hat. I got a chill partner and she picked number 1 so we got to choose a country first. We chose Russia. I then went over to my partner Karson, and we began working. To be honest, I didn't really even know who she was before she became my partner but I found out shes chill when she picked the first number. We then slaved away and got the majority of the slides done. She did the first, I did the second, she did the third, and so on, simultaneously. It was a lot easier than it looked.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10-23-14 Class

More Facts
Today, class started out slow. Like usual, John was late, but it didn't matter. Mr.Schick teased John a little bit about it and then sat at his desk. He just sat there doing something or another for 10 minutes while I listened to music and read some sports stuff. I then said something about us not needing to do work because we are the advanced class just joking around. Mr.Schick messed around a bit saying we still do need to do work and what-not. We then went to talking about facts. I don't remember clearly if it was today, or yesterday, but someone said Francois Hollande was left in France while on a school trip. I could not stop laughing and made a couple jokes about it, before Mr.Schick told us it wasn't a credible source. Mr.Schick wore this awesome guitar shirt and was cool as usual. Then the bell rang.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10-22-14 Class

Today in class we went over some interesting facts about the leaders of the twelve countries we had to do. Many people did not do their assignment and were not able to participate, but I had a bunch of facts. Mr.Schick became upset that only a few people in class really ever participate and tried calling on new people, but only 2 new people raised their hands. After calling on them, somehow me and Mr.Schick got into a debate on whether its right to discipline your kids physically (i.e. slapping, spanking, belt, etc.). My father was a very cool guy, but when I did something I knew I wasn't supposed to do, I got a certain physical punishment, the severity of the spanking/slapping dependent upon what I did. I told Mr.Schick that I believed it was only right to discipline your child like that, because you know for sure they won't do it again. He argued that there are statistics showing that kids who are physically disciplined, are more likely to physically discipline their child, only worse. I did not believe this statistic, but Mr.Schick is a wise guy so I trusted him. He then pointed out to me how large I am. Being 6'0, 238 lbs, at 14, and having a dad who was 6'3 and grandfather who is 6'5, shows I am bound to be a large man, possibly 6'6 my doctor said. Mr.Schick exclaimed that I could possibly injure my child unintentionally due to my size and my child's size. No doubt in my mind my son will be very large like me, he won't be for a long time and I could seriously injure him. I then semi-accepted defeat, and we wrapped up class.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10-21-14 Class

Interesting Facts
Enrique Pena Nieto - His first wife, Monica Pretelini, died of an epileptic seizure in 2007.
Xi Jinping -  He actually worked as an agricultural laborer from 1969-1975.
Pranab Mukherjee - Was formerly known for smoking his trademark Dunhill pipe.
Vladimir Putin - Has a black belt in judo. Is hardcore.
Joachim Gauck - His father was an accomplished sailor who was taken away to Siberia by Soviet troops and was never seen again.
Queen Elizabeth II - Personal fortune estimated to be $11.7 billion dollars.
David Cameron - Is a descendant of King William IV.
Francois Hollande - Served in the French military.
Dilma Rousseff - Was diagnosed with Stage 1 lymphoma in April of 2009.
Bashar al-Assad - Was born on September 11, 1965.
Stephen Harper - Went to University of Calgary.
Akihito - Has been married to the same woman since 1959.
Reuven Rivlin - Rivlin has pledged to Arab citizens of “green line” Israel that they won’t be forced to become part of a Palestinian state

Federal Presidential Constitution Republic
Enrique Peña Nieto

Single-Party Socialist State
Xi Jinping

Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Republic
Pranab Mukherjee

Federal Semi-Presidential Constitutional Republic
Vladimir Putin

Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Republic
Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom
Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Monarch & Prime Ministe
Elizabeth II & David Cameron

Unitary Semi-Presidential Constitutional Republic
President & Prime Minister
Francois Hollande & Manuel Valls

Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic
Dilma Rousseff

Unitary Single-Party Semi-Presidential Republic
Bashar al-Assad

Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Monarch & Prime Minister
Elizabeth II & Stephen Harper

Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Emperor & Prime Minister
Akihito & Shinzo Abe

Unitary Parliamentary Republic
Reuven Rivlin

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10-14-14 Class

Today in class we did pretty much nothing. We got in to class and Mr.Schick told us we could work on some stuff while some people who were on retreat did the test. Mr.Schick said no earbuds though which I was a little disappointed about but I wouldn't want some kid next to mes music in my ear during a test. Some girl came in and told Mr.Schick about college and how The John Carroll School really prepares you for high school. After talking for a little while to Mr.Schick the girl left. I then finished some work and the bell rang.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

10-9-14 Class

Too Much to Memorize
Today in class, we went over more terms and stuff for the test. I'll be honest, I wasn't completely paying attention, I was again, distracted by my wandering brain. I have all the terms down pat, so I figure, if I let my brain go wild for a class or two, it won't hurt me. I did come back from cloud 9 just in time to hear Mr.Schick tell us about the population pyramids matching part. My jaw dropped. I thought Mr.Schick wanted us to memorize every single countries population pyramid and have the answer to each. Thankfully, he explained that it would only be some of the more obvious countries such as Africa and Russia and whatnot. We then finished up and chilled out.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

10-8-14 Class

The Greatest.
Today in class we went over terms we needed to go over and Mr.Schick told us to figure out that CIA Factbook to a T so we can navigate it well. In the class prior to Human Geo, I had gotten in to some trouble and was in a bad mood, until Mr.Schick came in. He came in, rocking a du-rag. I thought it was hilarious and it put a huge smile on my face. It showed me that he really does care about us and listens to what we say. The fact that he remembered us talking about him on a motorcycle shows just how much he really pays attention to us, which adds to the list of reasons why Mr.Schick is the best teacher I've ever had and probably the best teacher any of us will ever have. After having my mood go from mad, to happy, we got into some terms. We first talked about life expectancy and I was in a panic. I thought I had lost my terms in my computer, but turns out I had just written them down in my notebook. After I realized I was good to go with the terms, I kind of zoned out. When we got done talking about the terms, Mr.Schick fore-warned us to get familiar with the CIA Factbook. Thanks to my tech-savvy self, I checked that off my list of things to do and again zoned out.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10-7-14 Class

The USA Still is Horrible
Today in class we had a short discussion about Friday. Mr.Schick brought up the "accusation" that some of our minds were changed just because of that video with a couple little facts. That accusation did not pertain to me though. You could have asked me in the beginning of the year, and I would have said the same thing. Heck, you could have asked me when I was 8 and I would have still said "No". My father was very big on politics and when I was around him, he would often try to teach me about the government and politics. My dad had a very strong view on certain subjects, and one of them was whether or not the USA is the best country in the world. Since I was young, I've heard "No, but it was." and of course, since my dad was saying it, I believed him because parents are "all-knowing" when you are a child. Now that I am old enough to understand what's going on in the world and I can form my own opinion, here is my un-biased opinion. No, the USA is not the best country in the world. I can't elaborate on whether it used to be based on my own experience, but I'm gonna go with my dad on this one and agree that it probably was the greatest at one point. To close out this drawn-out blog I'm sure nobody will actually take the time to read, I will leave you with a fact that I believe shows just how bad America really is.
11.11 million bbl/day (2012 est.)
country comparison to the world: 2

41,640 bbl/day (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 47

9.213 million bbl/day (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 1

Saturday, October 4, 2014

10-3-14 Class

Friday in class Mr.Schick had us watch a video. This video was the beginning of the very first episode of a new TV show which featured an anchorman answering questions. The anchorman continually avoids direct answers to questions, until they ask him to give a direct answer to the question "Why is America the greatest country on Earth?". He initially gives a very evasive answer but after he is pressed about it, he loses it. He goes on a rant about how we used to be the best country. I sympathized with this man, and when Mr.Schick gave us the chance to voice our opinion, I didn't hold back. I went on a little rant about how America is no longer an intimidating country. America used to put its foot down and laid down lines. If you crossed that line, boy were you in trouble. Now, we lay down a line, and if you cross it, WE are in trouble. WE are in trouble because if you test us, and you cross that line, we do nothing. America is far from the greatest country.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10-2-14 Class

Spotify is More Interesting
Today in class, Mr.Schick gave us 3 months of premium spotify! I thought this was great because I use spotify all the time and it makes me angry having to listen to those stupid commercials. The code I got was pretty interesting and Mr.Schick thought so too. I then listened to music on my new premium spotify while the whole class browsed through the CIA factbook. Someone brought to our attention the country of Qatar. Qatar had virtually NO women and a lot of men. After some incorrect guesses as to why it was like this, I swooped in and saved the day. I proposed the fact that it could be due to dangerous jobs there and Mr.Schick confirmed I was right (as always). He said due to the fact that oil is such a big money making industry, albeit dangerous, many men moved to Qatar in search of the black gold. He also explained to us that women aren't exactly treated great over there either so no women really want to live there.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

10-1-14 Class

The Day a Legend was Absent
Today, I am not sure what we talked about because I was at Freshman Retreat.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9-30-14 Class

Today in class we talked about increasing populations, and decreasing populations. We looked at Japan, Canada, Russia, and of course, Murica'. We learned about why America had such an odd looking age group pyramid. On America's pyramid, there was a sudden bulge right at about the 50 y/o age group. This was due to the baby boom right after WWII. Mr.Schick told us he was part of that age group which blew my mind. I would have thought Mr.Schick had just turned 40, not 50-something. We then talked about Japan and how it actually has a negative population growth due to better educated adults.
  1. According to the Population Reference Bureau's "2013 World Population Data Sheet", 271 are born every minute, and 106 die every minute. That's a global net population increase of 165 per minute. This lesson was published on May 5th. What's the estimated global population increase exactly one week later (May 12th)?  A: over 10 million       B: 20,739      C: 1155    D: 1,663,200    
  2. As a country slows in population growth, its pyramid shape will  A: become wider at the base and narrower at the top         B: be inverted          C: become more rectangular            D: bulge in the middle
  3. What does a Population Pyramid NOT give you information about?    A: birth rates         B: actual number of people        C: life expectancy         D: death rates
  4. Which continent would have the most fast-growth pyramids?   A: Africa         B:  Asia          C: North America         D: South America

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9-25-14 Class

Today in class we talked about the grades and alot more about globalization. Mr.Schick started out class laying down some bars and then we got right in to the review. Turns out I have the lowest grade in our class sadly. We talked about how globalization is interconnectedness like Mcdonalds going over to Japan and what-not and I brought up how the exchange students are examples of globalization. Mr.Schick then told us an awesome story about a Russian exchange student who jumped up on a tank and grabbed the barrel, while wearing a John Carroll sweatshirt.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

9-19-14 Class

CIA Factbook
Friday in class we looked at the CIA Factbook and took some notes. We took notes about population rising and the difference between emigrating and immigrating. Emigration is when someone is leaving a country and immigrating is going to a country. We looked around the factbook and Mr.Schick told us how carried away he can get just by reading some of the facts. Mr.Schick had in his powerpoint that we are number 50 in the world for life expectancy. We have actually improved since 2013 and are now number 42. A fact I found on the CIA Factbook was that the country with the smallest population is the Pitcairn Islands with a population of 42 people. I looked around their island on google maps and couldn't help but show the class what their police station looked like. Their police station was literally a trailer.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

9-18-14 Class

Today in class we talked about how quickly the population is increasing. Every twelve years as of 1999, a billion new people are born. This means by 2023, the population will be 8 billion! China realized how quickly their population was rising and implemented the ZPG plan. ZPG stands for Zero Population Growth. This plan limits an urban family to 1 child. Families living in rural areas are allowed to have more than one in order to do work on farms and help out around the house. This has leveled out the population a ton. If other countries did this, I believe we would not have to worry about overpopulation.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9-16-14 Class

Study Time
Today in class we had a sub because Mr.Schick had prior obligations. The sub was very chill and signed a paper I need if I want to keep playing football. I registered a quizlet account, and to my surprise, it wasn't as boring as I expected. I discovered this "game" where you had to math words to their definitions in a certain amount of time. Paj found my high score in a game and beat me in it. I then plugged in my mouse and destroyed him with a time of 15.4. I listened to music for the whole class through my earphones which really helped me concentrate and eliminate distractions. All in all, today was a very productive day and I am confident I will do good on this test.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

9-12-14 Class

Today, we talked about globalization. Globalization is the interconnectedness of different countries. For example, Japan had a very healthy population and long life expectancy. When mcdonalds came to Japan, the life expectancy decreased. This is due to the bad things found in those foods such as grease and lots of sodium. Mcdonalds expanded to Japan to increase the amount of money they gained. Japan used to eat a healthy diet containing tea and rice and now they consider mcdonalds a normal thing in their life.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9-11-14 Class

Today in class we talked about last nights homework which was write in our blog some facts that shocked us, and then got in to a discussion about conspiracies. We began talking about how technology is advancing so fast and got in to a discussion about how advanced technology will be 10 years from now. Some people thought we could possible have chips implanted in us that could act as an Iphone that you see through your retinas. Somehow, this discussion led to us talking about conspiracies. We talked about how the government is corrupt and how some of us thought cancer was a conspiracy considering it is a 95.5 billion dollar a year industry. Why would the government want to even find a cure for cancer if it brings in that much money? We then talked about how they possibly could be using it to kill off the population and keep the population below 8 billion.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9-10-14 Class

The Video
Today in class we watched a video with different facts about how our lives are. Mr.Schick wants us to choose 3 facts and write about them.
Fact 1: If you are one in a million in China, there are 1,300 people just like you.
Initial Reaction: Initially I was a little bit upset because I've always considered myself a completely unique person. The thought that there could possibly be someone like me makes me mad.
My personal life: I don't really know how this has to do with my personal life, it just makes me feel not so unique.
Fact 2: The top 10 in demand jobs in 2010, did not exist in 2004.
Initial Reaction: Honestly, I wasn't so surprised when I heard this fact. Technology advances so quickly, jobs come and go. 
My personal life: Again, this doesn't really effect me because I do not wish to do anything that involves using extensive amounts of technology.
Fact 3: We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't exist yet using technologies that haven't been invented in order to solve problems that we don't even know are problems yet.
Initial Reaction: I was not baffled by this, but in the same breath, I was intrigued by this fact.
My personal life: This makes me wonder if I should even pay attention in school because who knows if what I'm studying for will even become a problem at all.
Technology in my life: While technology does make everything easier and allows me to pass time, it does not really control my life. I can go for months without checking any social media things because I feel like most of the time it just contains drama. I am an outdoorsman, I like to hunt, fish, ride dirtbikes and fourwheelers, and have bonfires - none of which require technology. I believe technology will one day cease to exist and I will be one of the few who can survive without google.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece Notes
Over this past week we focused on Greece. We spoke of how it was the first true democracy and how advanced it was. Greece allowed the citizens to vote on matters and ultimately decide what happens. During this time, people felt safer speaking their minds and so came Socrates. Socrates was a philosopher who was respected by many. He spoke about many different matters and invented some very wise quotes such as "The unexamined life is not worth living!". He said this because he truly believed it as do many. If you don't take risks and explore and go outside of your comfort zone your life will be boring. I couldn't tell you about those times I studied all night, but I sure can tell you about that time I partied until the sun came up. Socrates died for his teachings and showed how if you really believe in something you will put your life on the line for it.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9-4-14 Class

Better Definitions
Today in class we reviewed the definitions we had to do last night and found better ones for each. For the first twenty minutes we talked about how we imagined this guy who spoke at the Agora looked like. We found out that a better definition for Agora was a place to vote and discuss issues. We began talking about how women before were treated badly and how in Greece and Sparta they were given more rights. I asked why they did not just become lesbians which caused some giggles but it was a serious question. He explained that they didn't know any better because it was just common to not have a lot of rights back then as a woman. We then checked for better definitions and wrote them down in our marble books.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9-3-14 Class

Greece in all of its Glory
Today in class we talked about Greece and were given terms to define.
  • The Agora - the chief marketplace of Athens, center of the city's civic life. 
  • Arete - excellence of any kind. 
  • Polis - Translated as "City-State".
 In 508 BC Athenian democracy was established in Athens under Cleisthenes following the tyranny of Hippias.
  • Socrates - a Greek philosopher who contributed to the field of ethics.
  • Death of Socrates - Socrates was put on trial for criticizing democracy and was sentenced to death and was forced to drink a mixture containing poison hemlock.
  • The Socratic Method - Perhaps one of Socrates greatest contributions to Western thought, this method applied to the examination of moral concepts such as the Good and Justice.
  • Idiots meaning in ancient Greece - Someone concerned with private affairs rather than public affairs. Self-centered.
Citing :

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9-2-14 Class

A Message to Garcia
Today in class we took some notes by hand about "A Message to Garcia". We talked about what was so good about this message and how even way way way back in 1899, something went viral. By 1936 80 million copies of this letter Mr.Elbert Hubbard wrote in 1899 were in circulation and were used a motivation to many. This letter was so motivational that companies used it as pep-talk material and really made people re-think asking an idiotic question such as "But why?". We then watched Mr.Schick do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which I thought was quite funny.Mr.Schick then checked to make sure we had our blogs and told us why we should not have a black background on our blog.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

5 Point Plan

My Plan
  • Talk to new people
Talking to new people will help me make more friends
  • Don't procrastinate
If I do stuff when I get it , I will not stress as much
  • Pay attention 
Paying attention will help me understand how to do the right things
  • Study more
If I study more then the class will be easier
  • Participate 
The teacher will know I am listening if I participate

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Third Class

Third Class
Today we finally got all of our blogs on the main human geo page which took a good amount of time. Mr.Schick checked everyone's blogs which gave us a ton of time to talk and make new friends. I don't have a computer so I mainly just make jokes and watch other people play games. Some of my friends were playing snake and I thought it would be super easy. Wrong. I have got to be the worst snake player ever. I wound up dying like 10 seconds in each time. After I realized how horrible I was at that game I just sat around and talked to people. Everybody in that class is chill so after class almost all of us went and sat down together at lunch and laughed and talked. Human Geo has to be the chillest class we have and I look forward to it almost as much as free mods.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Class Today

2nd Day
Today we went through who did and who didn't turn in their blog URL and how some people actually gave Mr.Schick his own URL. At first I was worried that I might have been one of those five who did that but I was relieved to find out I wasn't. Next we checked another students URL which turned out to be on a complete different website from which I thought was pretty funny. I discovered that Mr.Schick hands down has to be the coolest teacher I have besides Mr.Connolly. He said he was "Loling" at how students turned in his own blog and made everybody in the class laugh. Next, we talked about what websites we should and should not be visiting and about the class syllabus. I got pretty bored at this part but I understood it was just something that had to be done. Finally the bell rang and I dipped.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day at JC

My First Day
My first day of High School was really cool. It started off extremely boring due to the 2 hours of standard introduction stuff but everything got better after it was over. My favorite thing about today had to be the three free mods which gave me an hour and fifteen minutes to do whatever I wanted. My old school treated us like we were little kids and never allowed us to do things on our own so it felt awesome to have some freedom and not have teachers watching us 24/7. The teachers were not pressed about me not having a laptop due to shipping issues and even gave me suggestions on how to speed up the shipping process. The food was gourmet compared to what my old school served us. The chicken tenders were cooked all the way through and they gave me a ton of fries which were really good. All in all it was a good day.